"If you're going through Hell, keep going."
-Winston Churchill

Apr 20, 2011

A productive day!

I have been on the computer since 9:30 this morning. While it feels like I haven't done much, I suppose I really did get a lot accomplished. A few days ago, I contacted who I consider to be my mentor at Methodist rehab and asked her if she knew of any resources and/or people I should contact. She wrote a fantastic e-mail on my behalf and sent it to Disability Rights of Mississippi. This morning, I received a phone call from a lady who works there. For those who didn't know, I am on “limited” Medicaid, which makes absolutely no sense. The state programs concerning Medicaid, Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation, Vocational Rehab, and Life of Mississippi do not work together. You must individually call each program to sign up and find out what they can do for you. They make the system so confusing. Today I learned about a waiver program. Having a spinal cord injury, I automatically qualify for this program. HOWEVER, despite the fact I am eligible, I must call my counselor and request to be on the waiver list. Now why, when I'm automatically eligible, must I specifically request for the assistance? I was not informed of this until today, nearly 11 months after my accident. The Mississippi waiver program will provide me with the personal care attendant, which will greatly help my mother in taking care of me. In addition, once I am placed on the waiver list I automatically receive full Medicaid benefits. With full Medicaid benefits, I am granted another 30 days of inpatient rehab in July. This is like a dream come true. However, if I am to walk again- while 30 days is great- it is still not enough. I e-mailed the Shepherd Center in Atlanta, which is one of the top 10 rehabilitation centers in the country, requesting information about admissions and any financial assistance programs. Mississippi Methodist was a little over $15,000 a week, so I cannot imagine the cost of Shepherd. Walking again, though, is priceless. 

So that was a big chunk of my day today. In other news news, the philanthropy of the Sigma Nu chapter at Ole Miss is paralysis. Each year they have a big charity to raise funds for a beneficiary who is most deserving. Today I had to write my story basically selling myself and why they should choose me. The deadline is Friday and I have no idea when I will hear back. It would be absolutely amazing if I got this. On top of other fundraisers and benefits, this could really help me towards my goal of going back to inpatient rehab. Speaking of other fundraisers, the Southern Belle T-shirts sale has been absolutely amazing! If you're unfamiliar with this fundraiser, please visit http://www.rehabforkaty.formyfriends.org  for all the details. So far, we have sold over 100 shirts! The deadline will be May 15. That same weekend there is to be a band benefit at Thunder's Tavern in Pascagoula. I do not have many of the details yet but as soon as I do they will be made available. Media wise, things are also moving along. 91.3 WHIL out of Mobile, AL, did an excellent radio interview with me which can also be found at the above link. I also finally posted a YouTube video and hope to follow-through with many more. To watch the video, please visit http://www.youtube.com/user/RehabForKaty. In addition, Walter Brown of 93.7 will have me on his show Friday morning, April 22, between 8-9:30AM. And finally, WLOX will be doing a story on how social media has affected your life that is set to air the last week of May. I will be one of a few who has an interview for this particular topic.

It has only been eight days since I started http://www.facebook.com/RehabforKaty and the response been truly amazing, almost overwhelming. We are almost at 1600 followers and I could not have asked for more. I'm so full of hope for things to come. To be honest, even if I had the option to go back to June 13 and change it all, I would not. I have learned more about myself, my relationships with others- who would stay by my side and who cannot handle it- I have grown closer to my family, and my relationship to God, my faith has been restored and I would not trade that for anything. I count my blessings each and every day. It is so important to be thankful for what you have, for without my family or my friends, I do not know where I would be today. Again, I thank you all for your support and prayers. Miracles do happen, and I will be one of them!

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